15 Aug August 2019 – MacAdmins Meeting
August 21st, 2019 – University of Utah, MacAdmins Meeting

The University of Utah, MacAdmins Meeting is held monthly at the Marriott Library on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11 AM Mountain Time. Presentations cover Apple technology and integration in a heterogeneous university enterprise environment. This month’s meeting will be held on Wed, August 21st, 2019, and we will provide live broadcasted and archives that will be made available 2-3 days after the meeting. If you have suggestions on presentations, questions or comments, please use the Contact Us option.
What’s New – By Todd McDaniel, Univ of Utah, Marriott Library
This presentation will cover new information pertaining to Apple administration including operating system & application updates, security, hardware support & how-tos and other notables.
- Video – To view archived presentation video, click here.
- Slides – To view the presentation slides, click here.
Jamf Patch Management Overview – By Bryson Tyrrell, Jamf
In Jamf Pro, the patch management process is different for Apple Updates than for third-party macOS software title updates. Patch management for Apple Updates consists of running Software Update on computers via policies. This process installs all updates available from Apple. To customize the process, you can use the Software Update Service (SUS) with open source solutions like NetSUS or Reposado to control which computers get which operating system updates, or deploy macOS manually.
Patch management for third-party macOS software titles consists of taking inventory of the software titles and versions in your environment, determining when vendors release new updates, creating a package for update becomes available and upload and distribute the update.
With Jamf Pro 10.2 or later, you can integrate external patch sources with Jamf Pro. Patches management functionality by connecting to a source hosted by the community, or by using a server application in your environment that responds to the following endpoints and can receive communication from Jamf Pro. Software titles hosted on an external source can be used for patch reporting, patch notifications, and patch policies. Your external patch server could be solutions like Kinobi, PatchServer or your implementation may be as simple as a small Python server.
This presentation will cover an overview of software patch management with patch definition overview, external patch sources, community patch and more.
Bryson Tyrrell is an IT professional from the Twin Cities. He works at Jamf on the Cloud Engineering team on automation and services for Jamf Cloud. In past years he has presented at the Jamf Nation User Conference, Atlassian Summit, Penn State MacAdmins, and MacADUK. You can normally find him in the MacAdmins Slack @brysontyrrell.
- Video – To view archived presentation video, click here.
Preparing for the Next macOS Release – By Robert Hammen, NIH
Apple’s annual OS releases, and frequent, fundamental changes to macOS, have caught some Mac admins unprepared. User Approved Kernel Extension Loading. User Approved MDM. APFS (Apple File System). SecureToken. Transparency and Consent Control (TCC). In the last two macOS versions, there have been multiple, fundamental changes to the way that the OS functions. These changes have directly impacted how Mac admins must deploy and support these new OSes. More changes are ahead. It’s never been more essential that you take the time to test future OSes in your environment before they are released.
In this presentation, we’ll discuss considerations, offer advice, as well as testing methodologies, and highlight key areas of changes in macOS Catalina that Mac admins may want to focus on.

About Robert Hammen
Robert Hammen, Senior Mac Admin, National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health – Washington D.C. Metro Area. Robert has been a Mac admin for over 20 years, going back to the days of Mac OS 8. Prior to joining NIH in 2016, Robert worked as an enterprise Mac consultant for more than 10 years. He has numerous Apple and Jamf IT certifications, going back to OS X 10.4 and Jamf Pro 6.
Implementing Network Printing on Mac’s – By Joshua See, UW-River Falls
Network printing, like much of IT, is simple in concept with devilishly difficult details your users will have no problem stumbling over. You’ve discovered lpadmin and config profiles for installing printers, but what about pushing or locking down features on them? Explore techniques for doing so along with things like discovering AD published printers on not-AD bound Macs and getting the Mac to hunt drivers for a printer hiding behind a server rather than making your users do it.
Head of care and feeding of Mac and iOS devices at a small midwestern university, University of Wisconsin – River Falls, for over a decade. I’ve watched hardware, software, management tools, and concepts come and go, getting a feel for what works, what doesn’t, and that “obsolete” ideas that might work again
- Video – To view archived presentation video, click here.
- Slides – To view the presentation slides, click here.
Open Discussion
Questions, comments, problems and fixes.
The meeting will be held at the Marriott Library room 1705A located inside the Faculty Center located north of Mom’s Cafe. For directions to the University of Utah monthly Mac Managers Meetings see the following web page.
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