Virtual JNUC 2021 Presentation – Turn 1000 clicks into 1 with python-jamf and jctl

Virtual JNUC 2021 Presentation – Turn 1000 clicks into 1 with python-jamf and jctl

Turn 1000 clicks into 1 with python-jamf and jctl

I am proud to be co-presenting along with current & former University of Utah & Marriott Library MacAdmins, including Sam Forester, Topher Nadauld, and James Reynolds at the upcoming Virtual JNUC 2021 on Thursday, Oct 21 at 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM MDT on “Turn 1000 clicks into 1 with python-jamf and jctl“.

Since 2010, Apple IT, users, and InfoSec leaders from around the world have rallied at the Jamf Nation User Conference (JNUC) for community presentations, deep-dive education sessions, and expert product insights. Focusing on new and better ways to connect, manage and protect Apple devices that simplify workflows for IT and InfoSec and keep users productive. The Virtual JNUC 2021 experience will be October 19 – October 21, 2021, and there will be no cost to attend the online keynote and sessions. Anyone and everyone is invited to register for the virtual experience.

Our presentation was already recorded on Wed, Aug 11, 2021, and will be broadcasted on Thursday, Oct 21 at 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM MDT and we will be available after the presentation to answer questions and feedback using the Virtual JNUC 2021 chat system.

What are “python-jamf” and “jctl”?

Originally, it was on project “patch” that was focused on patch management including installer package management, patch management, including assigning package to patch definition, updating versions, version release branching (i.e. development, testing, production), and scripting and automation. Later, it was split into two projects, “python-jamf“, which is a python library that connects to a Jamf Pro server using Jamf Pro Classic API, including keychain support for Jamf Pro credentials via keyring python project, support for PyPi to support pip installation and currently supports 56 Jamf Pro record types which will expand in number as the project continues. The second project, “jctl“,  is a command-line tool that uses the “python-jamf” library to select objects to create, delete, print and update. It allows performing Jamf Pro repetitive tasks quickly and provides options not available in the web GUI. It is similar to SQL statements, but far less complex.



Our presentation will cover how it works internally as a simple alternative to the usual cURL usage; usage example of workflows comparing using Jamf Pro web interface vs “jctl“; and lastly advanced usage and package management including example os subcommands for specific object types, filtering making interacting with the API simple & easy.

GitHub Repositories

To learn more about the projects, please check out the repositories:



MacAdmin Slack Channel


And for feedback and support, see MacAdmin Slack channel #jctl

Presentation Video Posted to Youtube

The 2021 Virtual JNUC sessions have been posted to Youtube and our presentation, “Turn 1000 clicks into 1 with python-jamf and jctl | JNUC 2021” is available if you are interested in viewing it.
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