12 Jun June 2019 – MacAdmins Meeting
June 19th, 2019 – University of Utah, MacAdmins Meeting

The University of Utah, MacAdmins Meeting is held monthly at the Marriott Library on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11 AM Mountain Time. Presentations cover Apple technology and integration in a heterogeneous university enterprise environment. This month’s meeting will be held on Wed, June 19th, 2019, and we will provide live broadcasted and archives that will be made available 2-3 days after the meeting. If you have suggestions on presentations, questions or comments, please use the Contact Us option.
What’s New – By Todd McDaniel, Univ of Utah, Marriott Library
This presentation will cover new information pertaining to Apple administration including operating system & application updates, security, hardware support & how-tos and other notables.
- Video – To view archived presentation video, click here.
- Slides – To view the presentation slides, click here.
Administrating Firefox on Mac – By Mike Kaply, Mozilla
With Firefox 60, Mozilla introduced enterprise features to Firefox and with Firefox 64, they introduced Configuration Profile support for macOS. We’ll be going over those features as well as talking about what the future holds.
Mike Kaply has been working with web browsers since 1996. Starting at IBM, he was responsible for their efforts to encourage enterprises to adopt Firefox. After leaving IBM in 2009, he started a consulting company that continued that work, building tools like the CCK2. He joined Mozilla in 2016 and now he’s helping lead their new enterprise effort on Firefox.
- Video – To view archived presentation video, click here.
- Slides – To view the presentation slides, click here.
cmdReporter- By Dan Grigg, cmdSecurity
cmdReporter is a security auditing and monitoring tool for macOS that helps enterprise teams hunt threats in real-time, and make sure Macs are secure, reliable, and fast – all without a kernel extension.
If you are tasked with finding Mac intrusion detection, data loss prevention, or compliance auditing software – cmdReporter will not only collect the data you need, but it will send it to whichever log aggregation or SIEM software your organization already uses. If your organization uses Splunk, cmdReporter’s technology add-on (TA) will map all relevant fields to Splunk’s Common Information Model (CIM), allowing cmdReporter to effortlessly work with your current Splunk dashboards or Splunk’s Enterprise Security products, all within minutes. Join Dan as he goes over how to configure cmdReporter using only configuration profiles, dig through some dashboards and a live demo of cmdReporter data in Splunk, and discuss different use cases for system auditing data in general.
About Dan Griggs
Dan Griggs is the founder of cmdSecurity, an IT security firm in the D.C. area specializing in Apple device security solutions and is the chief architect of cmdReporter. Dan has been a speaker at various conferences around the country as an expert on Apple device security, and co-wrote the STIG security guidance for Apple devices in the military, as well as contributed on various CIS benchmarks and the Cybersecurity Campaign Playbook. Before starting cmdSecurity, Dan worked with multiple government agencies, including NIST, the U.S. Army Advanced Technologies, and the U.S. Department of Defense.
- Video – To view archived presentation video, click here.
- Slides – To view the presentation slides, click here.
Jamf Setup & Reset for iOS – By Garrett Denney, Jamf
Jamf Setup gives a new option between generic configurations and a Apple’s Shared iPad. A single device supports multiple customized use-cases. This creates a more flexible shared-device. It provides an intuitive way for end users to receive relevant apps and settings – no direct IT involvement required. Lastly, it provides an over-the-air workflow with no need for additional hardware. Users do not need a username or password, software or another directory service. This enables one-time guest use.
Jamf Reset does not need additional integrations or warehouse re-provisioning. This workflow is repeatable and reliable. It provides a user-initiated wipe that allows users themselves to digitally sanitize devices, with Home screen access to wipe the device. It creates an over-the-air workflow with no additional hardware required. Troubleshooting can be done with one tap by resetting the device. This creates a scalable re-provisioning process.
Garrett will talk about Jamf Setup and Jamf Reset, two lightweight applications that Jamf developed in response to customers requesting a fast and easy way to deploy iOS devices in shared-use environments.
About Garrett Denney
Garrett is part of the Jamf product team and is responsible for taking Jamf Pro to market. He has been with the company two years and previously worked for a fiber networking and data center company in the same role.
- Video – To view archived presentation video, click here.
- Slides – To view the presentation slides, click here.
Open Discussion
Questions, comments, problems and fixes.
AV upgrade will be taking place in the usual 1705a meeting room. So, this months meeting will be held a down the hall at the Marriott Library room 1170 classroom, located south of Mom’s Cafe.
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