14 Oct October 2020 – MacAdmins Meeting
October 21st, 2020 – University of Utah, MacAdmins Meeting

The University of Utah, MacAdmins Meeting is held monthly at the Marriott Library on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11 AM Mountain Time. Presentations cover Apple technology and integration in a heterogeneous university enterprise environment. This month’s meeting will be held on Wed, October 21st, 2020 at 11 AM MT and we will provide live broadcasted and archives that will be made available 2-3 days after the meeting. If you have suggestions on presentations, questions, or comments, please use the Contact Us option.
Presentation Mode – By Dan K. Snelson, The Church of LDS
Help your users have successful presentations with a Jamf Pro Self Service policy that temporarily extends screensaver password timeouts, computer sleep options, and automatic policy executions, then automatically restore approved security settings after a configurable duration.
About Dan K. Snelson
Dan K. Snelson is a senior system engineer with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with more than 20 years of experience in Enterprise Mobility Management. Dan has multiple Apple and Jamf certifications and has presented at JNUC 2017, How to: Extension Attributes, JNUC 2019, Your Internal Beta Test Program: Opt-in / Opt-out via Self Service, and JNUC 2020, Jamf Pro Policy Editor Lite.
- Video – To view archived presentation video, click here.
- Slides – To view archived presentation slides, click here.
Going to 11, Our Jamf Onboarding Process – ByTopher Nadauld, Marriott Library
We were challenged with onboarding 350 new MacBook Pros and upgrading our approximately 200 existing laptops that would be used by students for remote education & software.

Using a series of tools like Jamf Pro, NoMAD Login, DEPNotify, and few new custom scripts we were able to provide systems to students in record time. Topher will present and discuss our onboarding processes and tools that we have implemented.
Open Discussion
Questions, comments, problems, and fixes.
Due to the coronavirus (aka Covid-19) crisis, this meeting will not be meeting in person but will currently be done virtually using Zoom video communications architecture.
- Require a Password to Join This meeting will require a password to join the meeting. Information will be emailed via a campus internal lists, but if you are external and want to attend the meeting, please use the contact us form to receive details. Else, the archive of the meeting will be available 2-3 days after the live meeting.
- Miscellaneous We will also implement other settings and safeguards to secure the meeting.
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