16 Oct Pre-JNUC 2019 Meetup

Topher Nadauld and Richard Glaser, two Members of Client Platform Services from the University of Utah – Marriott Library, will be making the trip out to Minneapolis for the conference this year. There is a lot of interesting topics this year, updates on APNS, CommunityPatch with AutoPKG, deploying the latest macOS Updates, and a bunch more.
Pre-JNUC 2019 Meetup
The meetup is happening again this year on Monday, November 11th at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to come and kick off the week together. Topher and Richard will be there with the awesome stickers prompting our Slack Channel. If you have ever wanted to meet Richard, here is your chance. The meetup will take place at The Local, a pub down the street from the convention center on the Nicollet Mall. You can register on the Jamf Mini Events site, https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/events/jnuc/2019/359/pre-jnuc-meetup.

Please let us know if you have any questions or topics that you would like us to ask while we are there. The Jamf Buddies are always there to help and answer any questions that you might have.
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