21 Jun Campus MacAdmin List
Posted at 21:28h
in Administration, Apple, Documentation, Enterprise, Higher Education, Information Technology, Mac, Management

The University of Utah hosts many mailing lists for the University communities like campus MacAdmins. One list, historically named “mac-managers”, covers topics on deployment, management, and integration of Apple technology into multi-platform client & server environments.
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To subscribe to a mailing list, send an email message to sympa@lists.utah.edu.
The subject line should be SUBSCRIBE MAC-MANAGERS, for example…
- Unsubscribe
To unsubscribe to the mailing list, send an email message to sympa@lists.utah.edu.
The subject line should be UNSUBSCRIBE MAC-MANAGERS, for example…
List Archives
To access the mac-managers list archive you will need to log in with a username & password. At the University of Utah, affiliates of the university get assigned a network ID (aka uNID) that is used to login to campus services like campus list services, etc.
- Users With uNID
Users can log in using uNID@utah.edu and their password. They can also log in with an alias for their uNID@utah.edu address, like jane.doe@utah.edu for u0123456@utah.edu.
- Users Without uNID
Users who do not have a uNID can still use the system and the web interface. They can simply create a user and password that is stored in the default user database. Click here to access the list archive.
RSS Feed
The list server currently provides various list posts via RSS. Click here to choose the parameters and pick up the RSS URL.
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